Install virtualenv
Installing virtualenv is easy on a Linux or Mac system, but the instructions that follow are Linux (Ubuntu, actually) specific. First you’ll need setuptools:
sudo apt-get install python-setuptools
Then we can
easy_install virtualenv:
sudo easy_install virtualenv
We need to use
sudo here because it has to install to a global location. Don’t worry, this is the last time we’ll need to do something as
Create your virtualenv
cd to wherever it is you keep your projects (for me, in
~/src), and run:
virtualenv --no-site-packages venv
In this instance I’ve chosen
venv as the name for my virtual environment. The
—no-site-packages command tells virtualenv not to symlink the global site packages into my local environment, just take the Python standard library. This is important, because it helps us avoid the dependency difficulties mentioned above.
At this stage you might want to add
venv to your list of ignored files, as you don’t want it to be committed to source control:
echo "venv" >> .gitignore
Installing Django
Now, the trick with virtualenv is that it creates its own Python and easy_install binaries, which means you can install/run things specifically in your environment. Let’s install Django:
./venv/bin/easy_install django
And it’s done. easy. You might also want to install the MySQL bindings and
IPython for ease of use:
./venv/bin/easy_install ipython python-mysql
To start a new Django project, you’ll note that a file will have been installed for you in the environment:
./venv/bin/ startproject myapp
Obviously you can skip this step if you have an existing Django project.
Running Django
Now the last step, which is probably obvious by now, is to run Django’s runserver with the virtual Python binary:
cd myapp
../venv/bin/python runserver
And you’re away!
Bradley Wright