This article will help you secure specific url in Apache. For example our site has an url like” and we need that only the authorized users or ips can access/admin/ section.
Setup IP Based Restriction on Specific URL
Step 1: Edit apache configuration file and add below entry in websites virtual host.
<Location /admin> Order deny,allow Deny from all Allow from Allow from 111.222.333.444 </Location>
Step 2: Save Apache configuration file and restart apache service.
# service httpd restart
Step 3: Try to access your site from any other ip. Also check from given ip in configuration file.
Setup User Authentication on Specific URL
Step 1: Edit apache configuration file and add below entry in website virtual host.
<Location /admin> AuthUserFile /var/www/htpasswd/.htpasswd AuthName "Password Protected Area" AuthType Basic Require valid-user </Location>
Step 2: Create htpasswd file using below command.
#htpasswd -cm /var/www/htpasswd/.htpasswd myuser New password: Re-type new password: Adding password for user myuser
Step 3:
Restart apache and access your site url. It will prompt for login details.
Restart apache and access your site url. It will prompt for login details.
# service httpd restart
Thanks for using this article, I hope this article fulfill your needs. Click here to read more details about apache location directive.